In "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man," Steve Harvey offers insights into the male psyche and provides practical advice for women seeking to understand and navigate relationships with...
"Al Ghazali on the Lawful & The Unlawful" is a comprehensive examination of Islamic jurisprudence by the renowned philosopher and theologian Al Ghazali. This work, translated by Yusuf T Delorenzo,...
In "Azadi Hind," Molana Abul Kalam Azad offers a comprehensive vision for India's independence struggle, blending spiritual, cultural, and political insights to articulate a holistic approach towards liberation. Through this...
Bedside in Clinical Medicine and History Taking, 2nd Edition by Dr. Irfan Masood provides a detailed guide to mastering clinical skills and patient interaction at the bedside. Designed to aid...
Between Parent And Child" by Dr. Haim G. Ginott and Dr. Alice Ginott is a seminal work that offers invaluable insights into fostering healthy parent-child relationships. Emphasizing the importance of...
In "Boys And Sex Young" by Peggy Orenstein, the author delves into the complex realm of young men's sexuality, exploring their experiences, attitudes, and the societal constructs that shape them....
"Honor," penned by the prolific author Elif Shafak, unfolds a captivating narrative woven with intricate layers of familial ties, cultural complexities, and personal struggles. Set against the backdrop of modern-day...
Islamic Counselling: An Introduction to Theory and Practice by G. Hussein Rassool provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic counselling principles and methodologies. The book integrates Islamic teachings with contemporary counselling...
Leadership Insights Volume 2 by Qaiser Abbas and Amer Qureshi offers a profound exploration of leadership principles and strategies aimed at empowering individuals to become more effective leaders. The book...
John C. Maxwell's book, "Leadership Kay 21 Lajawab Qawaneen," offers profound insights into the principles and practices that define effective leadership. Translated into Urdu by Ahmed Bilal Hashm, this guide...
"Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know" by Meg Meeker is a guide for fathers on how to foster healthy relationships with their daughters, helping them grow...